About Me

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne UK, Tokyo Japan

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Game Centre, Puri Kura and Ramune...

Last night some friends of mine invited me out to the local ゲームセンター (pronounced geh-mu-sen-taa: Game Centre) video games arcade. The game centre was really cool - not being a huge fan of video games, I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy it. But this place was great - with two floors of flashing lights, loud electronic music and the clinging of money being won, it reminded me of a mini Las Vegas. I played a few games of Tekken as a giant kangaroo, and some racing game while some of my other friends played a game like guitar hero but they had to hit huge bongos with sticks. My friend Tim (below) played a similar game, where you have to hit the buttons in time with the (annoying) J-Pop song. He liked it though.

The highlight for me, though, was the 'puri kura', short for 'Print Club', and was basically a triple-sized photobooth that makes your eyes look bigger and your skin softer, and after taking your photos, you go to the next booth and edit the photos to your liking, with drawings, shapes, writing etc. It was strange to me, but also very fun. And of course, very Japanese! I don't have a scanner, so I have done my best using my camera:


Today I bought myself a bottle of 'ramune', which is a fizzy soft drink of Japanese origin. It's very sweet, but I couldn't describe the flavour. Traditionally, the bottles are sealed with a glass marble, which is then pushed inside the bottle for drinking. Unfortunately, mine came in a metal bottle with a screw-cap, but here it is anyway (you can see a drawing of the traditional bottle on the label):

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