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Newcastle-Upon-Tyne UK, Tokyo Japan

Saturday 4 September 2010

Shinjuku and Keitai...

Today I paid my first visit to the famous Shinjuku area of Tokyo. I went there with a few friends with the aim of getting a 'keitai' (mobile phone) because we had been told that the staff in Softbank (phone service provider/manufacturer) spoke English. They didn't. So my friends and I managed to blag our way through the long process of buying a phone in Japan, with a mixture of Japanese, Japanglish and the store clerk writing various numbers on a whiteboard. I went with pretty much the cheapest (but still fairly expensive) phone in the store, but I am pleased with it. Tomorrow I'll get a charm for my phone that everyone seems to have here.

Shinjuku was cool, and what I had in mind when I thought of Tokyo before coming here: Skyscrapers, bright, flashing shop signs, huge (HUGE) TVs showing strange adverts and streets packed with people. Also, there were lots of people with masks covering their noses and mouths, which I thought were to protect against pollution, but somebody told me that they do it when they are ill to prevent it spreading. I don't know if this is true though. Also, there is a Topshop/Topman coming to Shinjuku soon, which made me happy!

(Click for Larger Images)

Also, we went to Makudonarudo. I didn't get anything but my friend had a Makufurarii!

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