About Me

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne UK, Tokyo Japan

Saturday 29 January 2011

Godzilla, Engrish and Living with Fame...


First, a photo from karaoke:

The crowd was going wild. WILD.

Anyway, I have done a few more English conversation sessions which have gone really well. I managed to teach my student to say L and R properly which we were both really pleased about! So, through teaching and receiving a scholarship, I have had a bit of extra cash. So, I thought I would treat myself. 

I wanted to get something that was a symbol of Japanese culture, something practical, something to show from my year studying here...

A godzilla kigurumi - why not?! You can't see in the photo but it has yellow horns going down the back, and has a tail too! I haven't worn it out and don't plan to other than for fancy dress, but it makes a great dressing gown for when I'm just in my room!

I have seen a few funny things around recently, including:

My dreams of climbing into an ATM have been crushed! *sad face*

And also, "Gorilla Perfume". I'm not sure if it's intended for gorillas, or it makes the wearer smell like a gorilla, or what. Either way, the name wouldn't make me want to buy it.

Last night we went to a local izakaya (Japanese style pub, I've told you before!) where I attracted attention in the form of Japanese people yelling "Justin Bieber" at me, talking to me and calling me over to their table. They knew I wasn't Bieber, but it was funny anyway. They all took photos of me on their phones. I got one of the guys to send me one:

Also, last Friday one of the on-campus dorms had a party which I went to before going clubbing in Shinjuku, which was really fun!

So, that's what I've been up to! Hopefully more fun to come! Thanks for reading!

EDIT: I was caught in Shibuya the other day to do an exclusive interview as I am now a celebrity here. You can see it here (fast forward to 6 mins): 

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